Sunday, March 03, 2002

This is for a friend:

- My Life, at the moment: Going smashingly well.
- Ray is damn cool, yo.

On another note, I'm not so sure about the future of this blog thing. Basically, I feel funny writing about some stuff on the web, so it's not really an accurate journal, so I wonder if it serves the purposes I created it for.

I will write more about these concerns, though. Just not now, because I have to run off to play hockey.

Guess who's going to be sleepy at work tomorrow. :)

-Brian : 10:09 PM

Friday, January 25, 2002

Well, I guess this explains why my friends have been giving me shit the past few weeks about not posting entries. It seems that your trusty blog author over here had failed to update his FTP password when it changed. I then never noticed that the blog wasn't updating, like a dumb ass. :)

So...there are five or six new entries up. :) I was, um, really prolific, or something. Enjoy!

-Brian : 12:12 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Schweet! From The Land of Al:

"Because you DEMANDED it, MGM Home Video will be releasing Al's 1989 feature film UHF on DVD this summer. We're happy to announce that it will be an ultra-spiffy Collector's Edition - Al has been busy working on all the special features and bonus materials for the release. We'll give you more specific information as soon as we can."


-Brian : 7:46 AM

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

This evening was bass recording part deux. It did not start out well. In fact, I damn near tweaked tonight.

All of our bass intonation problems have been resolved. Somehow or another, though, when we first started recording, something with the minidisc 8 track went horribly awry. After about 25 seconds of recording, everything came to a halt and we got "Disc Error 24" or something like that. Turns out "Disc Error XX" means, according to the manual, that the disc has gotten scratched or damaged and needs to be replaced. Not Cool.

That's where I almost went postal. See, we have four of the six songs for our EP recorded on that disc. They're almost done. I have no way to back them up. (As the 8 Track has no digital out, and no way to copy to another disc.) So...if the disc fails, we're pretty much screwed. I had to shut the whole thing down and bring it back up to even get it to play again. Once I did, I played back the first tune on the disc...

...not good. About 4 digital errors spread out across the first 25 seconds of the song. Most of them, thankfully, are on tracks that don't have anything on them yet -- mostly on the drum tracks. Since drums haven't entered the song yet, we're okay there. A couple of them, however, are on the master to stay. One is particularly bad, on the guitar track. I'm hopeful that I'll be able to remove them using bits of the recordings that I've already mixed down to my computer. Since that part of the song is pretty much just guitar, I should be able to match the volumes and cut and paste. (Assuming we mix the stereo field to be the same way -- which we'll now have to do, at least for the first 25 seconds.)

I'm also praying...absolutely praying...that this was some sort of fluke occurance, and that the disc is not dying. Because when it looked like the disc had died for a minute there, I was in a very unhappy place. To work on something this hard for two months...only for something in the hardware to fail and ruin 2/3rds of it...that would be really upsetting to me. So, hopefully that won't happen.

On the upside, we had no problems after that. All the songs on that disc are now done, the disc is write protected, and we should (theoretically) not be able to lose any more data. We're going to begin mixing this weekend. This disc has got to be done, with a buncha copies made, about one month from today. So, the clock is ticking!

On an introspective note, it was kind of scary to me how much I felt out of control, angry, and lost when I thought we were going to lose, essentially, 2/3rds of the album. That first thought, that the disc was dead and there was nothing we could do to fix it, really scared the shit out of me. I mean -- if we had the time, we could redo it all. However, I don't think any of the band members -- myself included -- would be up for doing all of this again right now. It's been lotsa work, and we're all looking forward to writing more new stuff and playing shows.

Thankfully it turned out that wasn't the case, the disc seems to still work, and while that song won't be perfect, I can probably get it close to what it should be. I don't know...I guess I'm just surprised I'd have such a viceral reaction to what almost happened. I can't decide if it's a good thing -- that I must really care about us finishing this work -- or if it's a bad thing, a wild emotional reaction that I should kind of not be having. It was was like I was all of a sudden filled with all these virulent emotions, but I didn't know what exactly I was supposed to do to let them out, so I kind of just sat there for a few minutes. Weird.

I'm going to try to write more once again, but it might be fair to mention that 'cause of all this stuff I have to get done over the next few weeks, there are no guarantees.

-Brian : 11:42 PM

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Nyar!! Tonight was record-a-bunch-of-bass-for-the-album night, but alas, it turned out that the intonation on Matt's bass is all out of whack. That means that you'll tune the beastie so that the open notes are in tune, but then fret a note further up the neck, and that note would be out of tune. After spending a good two hours trying to figure out why three band members all couldn't tune a bass properly, we finally realized what the dang problem was and called it quits.

Now...this must have just gone wrong due to the cold weather, or 'cause the instrument is pretty new, since we recorded a bunch of stuff last week that was just some temp stuff, and all those bass tracks were a-ok. In fact, listening back to it tonight, those temp tracks -- at least from the tuning point of view were still a-ok.

Well, the downside to all of this is that we still haven't recorded the bass for these tunes, and we're not going to be able to until Matt's bass gets set up -- that'll prolly take half a week or so. The upside, though, is that now I have a free half an hour to get my fat lazy ass to the gym for a little workout on the elliptical thinger. (Which'll hopefully begin the trend of me going to the gym once again -- I've been a lazy ass.)

-Brian : 9:11 PM

Sunday, January 13, 2002

I'm not quite a haiku writin' motherfucker, motherfucker, because emo is two syllables. So, I'm just a bad-poetry-writin' motherfucker, motherfucker.

-Brian : 2:20 AM

Saturday, January 12, 2002

I'm a haiku writin' motherfucker, motherfucker... (This one goes out to Khaki, wherever you are...)

Sensitive emo boy
Please don't cry over spilled milk
Or dumb Rush lyrics

We are the priests...

-Brian : 2:39 AM

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